Tuesday, February 12, 2013

An Hour in a Land of Empty Boxes.

"Look, I'm not saying you can't do it, just that you shouldn't."
I could practically feel the disapproval in her eyes through the bathroom door.  "You could get killed out there you know, or worse."
Slipping on the skinsuit, letting the nanoweave zip itself up around me, I could even understand the fear that she went through when I went out on nights like these.  It's not as if I was some sort of monster about it.
"Are you even Listening to me?"

"Just to the lovely inflections of your voice, Claire."

"You Know that doesn't work anymore, right?"

"Do you want me to keep an eye out for anything in particular tonight?"
Just have to attach the goggles and put the backpack on, then I'll be off to the surface.

"And don't try to change the subject.  Why can't you just get used to living down here, safe, where they don't patrol?"
Onwards, out of the bathroom and towards the door.

"I'll be back tomorrow morning, Don't wait up."
She's not moving, leaning on the frame and glaring at me with those icy green eyes.

"Just don't take any risks, more than you already are that is."
Her face has softened up a bit, this is the worst part of it all, really.  Having that sad, worried look as the last thing I see of her while I'm gone is really distracting, and distraction is not safe.

"Ok, I promise"
Out the door, past her.  The route up to the surface is pretty simple, just patched on to the sides of old tunnels that got built down here before the collapse.  Not that many people are still living in this one, but over a few the whole area is packed full.  Nobody without a bit of spunk survived the time a rogue cyborg from the core managed to get down into here, and nobody moved in afterwards.  Up the stairs and out, black sky above trickling wet tears on this forsaken landscape.  It looks like a perfect night, but you can never tell for sure.  The little slit of the sky that I see isn't the greatest of pictures, but that's soon to be amended.

The usual route up the building to the front has been feeling a bit overplayed these days, might as well check one down.  Gotta weigh the benefits of switching it up versus staying out on the street for too long.  Just because I'm playing it safe doesn't mean this isn't a risky business.  At least the core is way down the lane, can't even see its glow from down here.  Lets see, glass doorway, not locked, and the entryway seems empty.  The goggles help with the darkness, light is a killer these days.

Finding them on that trip two weeks ago was really handy.  Personal electronics of the non-deadly, non-sentient, non-rigged variety are at the top of my list these days.  Claire has some things hooked up to deal with food and water.  They work really well, even if they taste like crap.  The only thing that really merits a space in the backpack for the trip back is utilitarian, and most trips there's nothing really at all that fits the bill, but the rush brings me out all the same.

Ha, found the stairwell, hiding behind that corner I see.  Obviously the elevator shafts were meant to be used primarily, but if any power were still on, I still wouldn't get in those deathtraps.  Thankfully, most of the buildings in this area have the same continuous stairwell system, so I only have to find it once.  Back in the other direction I wasted a day looking around each floor of a building for the way up.  Whoever designed that thing was really trying to mess with your brain.  Anyway, about a quarter of the way up should do for now, don't wanna be caught out of breath.  Too bad these things never have windows, the view is nice for a rest.  More risk though, so I guess its not the worst setup.

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