Saturday, January 4, 2014

A short interlude that doubtless occurred on some lake, somewhere, sometime.

Y'know son, I've always though I figured out the secret to fishin' right about round your age.

That is was boring and pointless and miserable and cold out on this leaky boat of yours?

See, I always figured when I was young that it was all about the fish.

And we barely packed anything to eat.  Four sandwiches to last us for however long you plan on keeping us out here.

You'd think that, yes, what with fish bein' in the title and all, but they're more of a happy afterthought, a side effect of the true entertainment hidden within the pasttime.

Yeah, entertaining, sure.

What it's really about is relaxing, letting yourself just be.  Becoming one with the nature around you and all its beauty.

What if nature freezes me dead first, eh pops?

It's a meditative state, a state in which you can truly learn patience and wisdom.

Riiiiight.  Wisdom.

Yes my boy, wisdom.  Take the fishing pole itself.  Maybe you think that I just picked a side of the boat at random to cast my line off.

Yes, actually.  Why wouldn't you?  It's the same water for about a mile in every direction.

No, in fact, this was through design, fueled by purpose.

And I suppose you want me to ask you what that purpose is?

You're learning wisdom in leaps and bounds, you are.  You see, while it may all seem the same if you just look at the surface of the water, but take a closer look.

The shadow of the boat?

No no, closer.  It's water, there's nothing different.

There is a very obvious difference here, my boy, you just have to look for it.

. . .

Come on, take another guess.

. . .that patch there is maaaaaagical water with the mysterious properties of maaaaaagical fish magic, despite the fact that we've been out here for four hours and there's been no bites at all.


. . .

Well, no.  I'm afraid I have no idea what you're talking about.  Is it one of those newfangled teen things?

No dad, it was sarcasm.

No need for that out here, surrounded by the beauty of nature.

Right, beauty.  It looks like a giant flat lake filled with water.

But look at the reflections, and the mountains in the background.  Hear the clapping of the waves and the woosh of the wind.

The wind trying to give me frostbite?

Wonder at the clouds in their puffy shapes.  That one looks like a pillow, I reckon.

It's cloud shaped.

Well, aren't all clouds?

. . .

Anyway, that brings me to my point.  You didn't guess it, but here it is.  I picked this side of the boat because it has a nice view of the mountain over there with the little glaciers on it and the steep rock face.

Are we almost done here?

Isn't it a nice pretty red on the face of the cliff there.  Really, I think it brings out the green of the pine trees that kinda hang on to the side.

. . .

C'mon son, enjoy yourself.  We've got all day out here.


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