Friday, September 13, 2013


Who. . .?

Am I?

How did. . .?

I know you'd say that.  I don't have time to explain.

But. . .

No, listen, there is a bomb.


Yes, a bomb.

But this is the internet.

Makes it scarier then.  Exploding in here.

It's perfectly safe though they said. . .

Yes, and they were wrong.

But there were tests and. . .

And maybe they didn't test it as thoroughly as they thought.

I don't believe you.

No?  Not when the world has screwed you over constantly, especially that time with lisa when

Don't take about that.

fine, but you get my meaning.

That there are always safety failures?

Exactly, that's why I'm telling you there's a bomb.

And you expect me to run?

No, I expect you to die valiantly trying to stop it

Why would I go off and die valiantly when I could run?

Because I could be wrong and you might actually disarm it.

Again, running?

Because you can't.

I'm not a hero.

Oh, no, I mean it's impossible for you to.  It's that big of a bomb.

Then I'll disconnect.

Try it.

I will.

Go on.

I said I am.

I'm waiting.

It's just slow, as always.

Is it?


So you normally have to wait this long?


And if it keeps going?

Are you just going to keep gloating?

It seemed the fastest way to make you angry.

I'm just a bit annoyed, thanks.

Hmm, so I should try some more?

What does my anger even get you?

A diffused bomb.


Well, I made it.

Then disarm it yourself.

sadly, I'm not here to do so.

Then how are you talking to

There's no time for the intricacies.

Then why did you. . .

bring it up? because you were going to get there anyway and this way I can cut you off and tell you that you have 5 minutes and it's that way.

which way?

oh, right, no gestures.  North.

does it look like I have a compass?

towards the glowey egg thing.

The strip club?


A bomb in the strip club.

Well, the internet is for porn, as the masses like to say.

And it's powerful enough to level the place, somehow?

Metaphorically.  Or at least something of that magnitude.

I don't even know what it looks like or what to do to it.

Well, that's why I'm talking to you, isn't it.

Is it?


I don't want to do this.

But you're walking.

But I am going to against my better judgement.


You are kind of an asshole voice, aren't you?

I try, the last time this happened I found I was too polite.


Yes.  The bomb managed to explode.

Funny, I didn't hear about it in the news or anything.

Yes, well, it was a long time ago.

The virtual reality stuff has been out for three years, tops.

Length is a matter of perception, also, you lack the facts.

Shouldn't there be a bouncer outside here.

You would expect that.

I would, that's why I asked.

Why should I know?

Because you are annoyingly cryptic and seem to think you know everything.

If I did, I would be able to get this done so much faster, that and I would have been here myself.

So you don't know why.

No, other than there is scheduled to be an explosion of a very large magnitude in, lets see, 3 minutes now.

Great, sounds very exciting.

I should hope not.

Yeah well, I take it the floaty sphere is it?


And it's a bomb.

And this place is deserted.

It seems so.

So I just go up and touch it or. . .


I can't touch it?


So what am I supposed to do?

That is where you and I completely line up in knowledge.

Great, maybe if I throw a rock at it.

You have a rock?

No.  I have a shoe though.

Okay, try it.


It seems to have been absorbed.

And has been slowly growing larger, yes.

So that's the timer then.

The width?

I would guess so.

It sped up a little on absorbing the shoe.

Yes, I see that.

How much time left.

Less than a minute, probably.

Great, I'm gonna touch it.

You'll just get absorbed.

Yes, or blown up later.

When you put it like that, go ahead.


Are you sure you don't have any better ideas?

Of course not, I'm just a random guy.

Well, not random.

Here goes nothing.

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